And will Justice be served in Brantford Court?

The "vindication" procedings of Developer Adam againt Revenue Canada will continue on March 24,2005. At that time Adam's new lawyer, a seasoned and competent Court of Appeal lawyer will speak and do battle on the issue. We will keep you posted.
Of interest from today's proceedings , was that the "excuse " or defense of "officially induced error" could only be used or heard after the trial and conviction of a defendant. This narrow interpretation will be heard by the presiding trial judge. It would appear that Adam has a good case for a new trial based on new information which was not made available or disclosed by the crown in the regular trial proceeding. It would appear that whatever the ruling on March 24 th the issue will be- if necessary -taken to the Court of Appeals on a number of issues which the trial judge cannot legally hear. We will keep you posted. PR
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