Winnipeg Sun Editorial: No more excuses on Air India: "No more excuses on Air India
Of all the ridiculous excuses Public Safety Minister Anne McLellan has offered for not ordering a public inquiry into the terrorist bombing of Air India Flight 182, here is the worst. "
Got a beef with meat, tired of bad service from those that are paid good public or private money to protect your interests? This is the whistle blowing place to vent your rant and point of view to make them visible and accountable.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Yahoo! News - Jesse Jackson Jumps Into Florida Right-To-Die Case
Yahoo! News - Jesse Jackson Jumps Into Florida Right-To-Die Case: "'She is being starved to death, she is being dehydrated to death. That's immoral and unnecessary,' Jackson told reporters after meeting Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, near the hospice in Pinellas Park where she is being cared for. "
Superior Court Justice Jane Milanetti

Evaluating damage at the Justice Building Superior Court Justice Jane Milanetti
· Checks out the damage at the Brantford Courthouse
· Is a proponent of saving architectural historic buildings particularly the Wellington court house to its 19th century grace
· The water damage has caused delays because there is nowhere else in the building to accommodate juries
Source: Expositor “Restoring an architectural jewel” March 29, 2005
Will adjudicate the issue of “officially induced error” on April 14, 2005 in the case of A. Stelmaszniski and Revenue Canada
The legal issue to be determined in this case:
“The defense of ‘officially-induced error’ is available as a defense to an alleged violation of a regulatory statute where an accused has reasonably relied upon the erroneous legal opinion or advise of an official who is responsible for the administration or enforcement of the particular law. “
Maybe they listened and are actually trying to help farmers
Osprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor: "Farm aid called a first step "
Monday, March 28, 2005
The 6 billion dollar challenge -Financial issues await Ont. legislature
It is time for accountability - perform or perish if you can not
Hamilton: "'The Liberals are in deep trouble,' said New Democrat House Leader Peter Kormos.
'Their fiscal affairs have just collapsed in terms of them not being able to balance the books in any way, shape or form, (and) their federal cousins have abandoned them,' he said.
'I suspect it's going to be a very painful and uncomfortable session for the Liberals.' "
Hamilton: "'The Liberals are in deep trouble,' said New Democrat House Leader Peter Kormos.
'Their fiscal affairs have just collapsed in terms of them not being able to balance the books in any way, shape or form, (and) their federal cousins have abandoned them,' he said.
'I suspect it's going to be a very painful and uncomfortable session for the Liberals.' "
Friday, March 25, 2005
CANOE -- CNEWS - Canada: Liberal rule in jeopardy
Nothing like changing the rules after you got tacit approval - what is wrong with the Leberals?
CANOE -- CNEWS - Canada: Liberal rule in jeopardy
CANOE -- CNEWS - Canada: Liberal rule in jeopardy
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Another union grab
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Another union grab: "Forcing non-union workers to pay union dues and making companies hire unionized workers in order to work on a project is unethical, undemocratic and bad for business. "
Thursday, March 24, 2005
David versus Golliath - Round Three Report

Connie Baran-Gerez will argue the "officially enduced error defense to Honorable Justice Milanetti on April 14.2005 at the Brantford Court house.
Suspense and riveting drama in the Case of Adam Stelmaszniski versus Revenue Canada
I was in court today and witnessed the proceedings with others in the case of Adam Stelmaszniski versus Revenue Canada. It was nip and tuck in the beginning – the judge appeared to be out for blood or sentencing. However, Adams new lawyer stood her ground –with intelligence, poise, and a real apparent presence with legal teeth based on precedent. The outcome, after a delay of ¾ hours, were the judge obviously conferred with a higher power, is that the proceeding on the “officially induced error submission” will be heard on April 14 and sentencing (if required) will be on May 9. There was a distinct change in the judge’s attitude after she came back from the “10 minute” recess.
It very much looks like it is Adam’s turn to put Revenue Canada and indirectly the Judge on trial. Either way – it will, if needed go to appeal, with what appears to be very good grounds for dismissal. This is not based on hope but facts, precedents and legal resources that appear to be weighted in Adams favour. The David versus Goliath drama continues charged with lots of adrenalin and suspense – maybe for once justice will truly be fairly served. I will keep you posted.
"Beyond that, the trial skirmish today, produced only questions: Who is accountable? Who ran the conspiracy of officially induced error? Was it ineptitude, indifference or poor quality leadership that led to such a flawed investigation? Should the case -- as frail, damaged and incomplete as the parts of the new information show and that the prosecution failed to disclose -- have even gone to trial? Above all, what happens now? "
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Gun control borders on the ridiculous
The gun registry is a 2 billion dollar mistake - direct this wasted money to constructive health care. PR
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Gun control borders on the ridiculous: "We were treated to a sobering reminder this week of just how easily criminals in Canada are able to arm themselves, despite our government's massive spending on a registry that was supposed to keep track of all the guns in the country. "
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Gun control borders on the ridiculous: "We were treated to a sobering reminder this week of just how easily criminals in Canada are able to arm themselves, despite our government's massive spending on a registry that was supposed to keep track of all the guns in the country. " Ist e NA economic union coming ?
Sympatico / MSN : News : "Strengthening economic and security ties with the U.S. and Mexico will also strengthen Canadian sovereignty, Prime Minister Paul Martin says."
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Hamilton More promises of better performance - Hold your breath or nose
Hamilton: "Sorbara said the government is nevertheless committed to getting the province's finances back on track. "
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 | The air India tragedy re-visited
It is unfortunate that we have witnessed so many displays of inadvertence and public official ineptitude in march - the government's id's of March so to speak. Four RCMP officers get killed - following what procedure, those that caused the air India disaster have not been found, and the Adscam inquiry keeps Canadians badly entertained like the black soap opera it is. Time for renewal- and the recapture of our values away from the expensive bunglers who cost so much yet produce or deliver so little. | Top Stories | Canada | It can't end here: "Beyond that, the trial produced only questions: If not Malik and Bagri, who ran the conspiracy? Was it ineptitude, indifference or racism that led to such a flawed investigation? Should the case -- as frail, damaged and incomplete as the parts of the recovered jetliner the prosecution assembled in a secret warehouse -- have even gone to trial? Above all, what happens now? " | Top Stories | Canada | It can't end here: "Beyond that, the trial produced only questions: If not Malik and Bagri, who ran the conspiracy? Was it ineptitude, indifference or racism that led to such a flawed investigation? Should the case -- as frail, damaged and incomplete as the parts of the recovered jetliner the prosecution assembled in a secret warehouse -- have even gone to trial? Above all, what happens now? "
Politicians, car salespeople least admired: poll
Who can you trust these Days- firemen and nurses? -Certainly not politicians or senior government officilal. This is a interesting trust survey. PR
News | network
News | network
Venusian Issues
Venusian Issues: "Hospital bed shortage for kids only temporary: McGuinty'
Let's see 15.6 milion for 9 hospital beds is not a problem for Mcquinty- that's 1.8 million per bed to sove the children can't get health care problem in Ontario. Are there any other alternatives? PR
Hamilton: '"
Let's see 15.6 milion for 9 hospital beds is not a problem for Mcquinty- that's 1.8 million per bed to sove the children can't get health care problem in Ontario. Are there any other alternatives? PR
Hamilton: '"
Monday, March 21, 2005
National Post Moves in the right direction?
Maybe Canadians will have a real choice soon . PRNational Post: "The convention strongly backed Mr. Harper's promise to enact legislation preserving the traditional definition of marriage.
It also endorsed a publicly funded health care system under which services would be delivered through the 'most appropriate public or private provider based on quality and cost.'
Several resolutions commit a Tory government to significant reductions in personal and corporate taxes. Others promise more money to tackle fiscal imbalances with the provinces, as well as more generous benefits and tax breaks to veterans, caregivers, stay-at-home parents and post-secondary students.
Delegates backed reopening the Kyoto climate-change protocol, returning to the negotiating table on U.S. missile defence, appointing only senators who have been elected in their provinces, and giving MPs a chance to ratify Supreme Court of Canada nominees in a free vote"
It also endorsed a publicly funded health care system under which services would be delivered through the 'most appropriate public or private provider based on quality and cost.'
Several resolutions commit a Tory government to significant reductions in personal and corporate taxes. Others promise more money to tackle fiscal imbalances with the provinces, as well as more generous benefits and tax breaks to veterans, caregivers, stay-at-home parents and post-secondary students.
Delegates backed reopening the Kyoto climate-change protocol, returning to the negotiating table on U.S. missile defence, appointing only senators who have been elected in their provinces, and giving MPs a chance to ratify Supreme Court of Canada nominees in a free vote"
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Scams at core of unity fraud
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Scams at core of unity fraud: "The goings-on in the program are an absolute disgrace and a slap in the face to decent, hardworking Canadians. Yet, former prime minister Jean Chretien played the fool in his testimony before Gomery, and Prime Minister Paul Martin feigned ignorance, even though he signed the cheques. "
Conservative convention a success -Harper gets 84% approval rating
The right to rule-maybe PR
href="">News | network: "In his keynote address on Friday night, Harper had implored his followers to show respect for those with opposing opinions within the party.
It proved to be among the more singular accomplishments of a convention that Harper described as the most successful in Conservative politics in 20 years. "
href="">News | network: "In his keynote address on Friday night, Harper had implored his followers to show respect for those with opposing opinions within the party.
It proved to be among the more singular accomplishments of a convention that Harper described as the most successful in Conservative politics in 20 years. "
Saturday, March 19, 2005
FCPP Publications :: The Evolution of a Zombie Economy
Agree completely with this well thought out assesment PR
FCPP Publications :: The Evolution of a Zombie Economy: "Relative national prosperity offers a great opportunity to unbind our suppressed energies. Instead, hard-won federal surpluses are being frittered away with comfortable, but dated thinking. Torquing the public sector with more money is not a way to improve public services. Manitoba has the biggest government sector in western Canada, yet it is never enough. Recent statistics show that all three levels of government consumed 47.4 percent of our provincial GDP in 2003/04. Add in such romantic relics as Crown corporations and government spending likely swells past half our economy. This compares very unfavorably to a Canadian average of 38 percent. "
FCPP Publications :: The Evolution of a Zombie Economy: "Relative national prosperity offers a great opportunity to unbind our suppressed energies. Instead, hard-won federal surpluses are being frittered away with comfortable, but dated thinking. Torquing the public sector with more money is not a way to improve public services. Manitoba has the biggest government sector in western Canada, yet it is never enough. Recent statistics show that all three levels of government consumed 47.4 percent of our provincial GDP in 2003/04. Add in such romantic relics as Crown corporations and government spending likely swells past half our economy. This compares very unfavorably to a Canadian average of 38 percent. "
CBC News Indepth: Provincial Budgets
The ultimate report card - McQuinty has not balanced the budget in fact has the dubvious distinction of a deficit of 5.4 billion greater then all other combined provices that have a deficit spending challenge. What a dubvious leadership position ,Ontario has fallen into. PR
CBC News Indepth: Provincial Budgets
CBC News Indepth: Provincial Budgets
Sympatico/MSN News -
We need a option to what is -Is it Harper ?Let's see if he can keep his word and hold the conservative party together. PRSympatico/MSN News -
Canadians have never seen a government dither so much and do so little,"
"Thou shalt not steal" The liberal challenge
Canadians have never seen a government dither so much and do so little,"
"Thou shalt not steal" The liberal challenge
Friday, March 18, 2005
The Digital Hospital
The Digital Hospital: "The Digital Hospital
How info tech saves lives and money at one medical center. Is this the future of health care? "
How info tech saves lives and money at one medical center. Is this the future of health care? "
Tory wins
Lets see if accountability goes up with Tory - Ontario needs a break. PRHamilton: "'You have said, and I will join in you saying, that a premier who doesn't keep his word is a premier who shouldn't keep his job,' Tory said, an obvious swipe at McGuinty's Liberals, who have broken several campaign promises. "
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Northern Tiger Recipes from the Frontier Centre
The premier think tank in Manitoba -the Frontier Centre- has a receipe for success -enjoy -for all who think there is room for improvement in existing government services at all levels- This is a good link for improvement ideas . PR
FCPP Publications :: Northern Tiger Recipes: "The lesson for the federal Liberals and, closer to home, our own Government, is to forget yesterday's obsession with alternately redistributing and subsidizing a slowly growing economic pie. An intelligent pruning and restructuring of public spending to hold increases slightly below the economic growth rate, with the growth dividend applied to lower taxes, mean more government revenues in the medium and long term. To maximize growth, we need to reduce public spending in Canada from 41% to 30% of the economy, a level similar to that in the much admired Celtic model (and, not coincidentally, the U.S.)"
FCPP Publications :: Northern Tiger Recipes: "The lesson for the federal Liberals and, closer to home, our own Government, is to forget yesterday's obsession with alternately redistributing and subsidizing a slowly growing economic pie. An intelligent pruning and restructuring of public spending to hold increases slightly below the economic growth rate, with the growth dividend applied to lower taxes, mean more government revenues in the medium and long term. To maximize growth, we need to reduce public spending in Canada from 41% to 30% of the economy, a level similar to that in the much admired Celtic model (and, not coincidentally, the U.S.)"
Contestability is the key to high performance government
Competition for better services -what a novel idea.
AIMS : AIMS Library: AIMS Library
Municipalities provide a range of expensive services often without knowing whether they are receiving full, efficient value for the public money they spend. Yet, at a time when municipal governments are struggling to make ends meet and to provide acceptable levels of services, the status quo in services provision is no longer an option. Municipal governments need to ascertain whether the cost of a service is justified, and then seek to provide that service at the most efficient price.
One way of providing services more efficiently and at lower cost would be to make them "contestable" - that is, to open up the bidding on services contracts to all interested providers, whether public, private, or a combination of the two.
AIMS : AIMS Library: AIMS Library
Municipalities provide a range of expensive services often without knowing whether they are receiving full, efficient value for the public money they spend. Yet, at a time when municipal governments are struggling to make ends meet and to provide acceptable levels of services, the status quo in services provision is no longer an option. Municipal governments need to ascertain whether the cost of a service is justified, and then seek to provide that service at the most efficient price.
One way of providing services more efficiently and at lower cost would be to make them "contestable" - that is, to open up the bidding on services contracts to all interested providers, whether public, private, or a combination of the two.
Was justice served?
Twenty years ,over 100 million dollars spent, with 500 police people working on the Air India tragedy -the result not quilty. We need a public inquery. PR
News | network: "Families search for answers"
News | network: "Families search for answers"
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Ad exec defends charge
This arrogance is truly disgusting under the officially induced error or officially induced fraud category. How many of these unethical people are feeding at the public trough now? PR
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Ad exec defends charge: "MONTREAL -- An Ottawa ad exec strongly defended billing taxpayers almost $11,000 for the use of a generator by a Quebec village devastated by the 1998 ice storm. The generator was offered for free by the Bluenose II Preservation Trust which had mothballed it after a 1997 sponsorship-funded travelling museum of the famous schooner. "
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Ad exec defends charge: "MONTREAL -- An Ottawa ad exec strongly defended billing taxpayers almost $11,000 for the use of a generator by a Quebec village devastated by the 1998 ice storm. The generator was offered for free by the Bluenose II Preservation Trust which had mothballed it after a 1997 sponsorship-funded travelling museum of the famous schooner. "
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Black hole of Kyoto
Have we learned nothing from the gun registry? Another expensive nobel experiment at public expense- and you wonder why the care system does not work.PRCanadians should be deeply alarmed at the new $10-billion cost figure, which is double the last estimate. As we know only too well, the actual cost will likely wind up many times higher. We also have no idea how many jobs this ill-fated scheme will cost.
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Black hole of Kyoto: "Canadians should be deeply alarmed at the new $10-billion cost figure, which is double the last estimate.
As we know only too well, the actual cost will likely wind up many times higher.
We also have no idea how many jobs this ill-fated scheme will cost. "
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Black hole of Kyoto: "Canadians should be deeply alarmed at the new $10-billion cost figure, which is double the last estimate.
As we know only too well, the actual cost will likely wind up many times higher.
We also have no idea how many jobs this ill-fated scheme will cost. "
National Post
National Post: "PET scanners stand idle
Hospitals cannot afford to run highly sought machines
Heather Sokoloff
National Post"
Hospitals cannot afford to run highly sought machines
Heather Sokoloff
National Post"
No more federal cash for Ont.: Volpe
Interesting -here is a novel thought why not get more service from the tax money you already have by allowing competition and competitive services- Mr McGuinty? PR
Hamilton: "No more federal cash for Ont.: Volpe"
Hamilton: "No more federal cash for Ont.: Volpe"
Plan now or face crisis, city warned - Brantford Expositor
Be proactive -all taxpayers should respond with suggestions PROsprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor: "Plan now or face crisis, city warned
By Michael-Allan Marion, expositor staff
Local News - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 @ 01:00
With more responsibilities and not enough tax revenue, city hall is headed for financial crisis unless council comes up with a comprehensive strategic plan that sets priorities and establishes cost-effective programs and services. "
By Michael-Allan Marion, expositor staff
Local News - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 @ 01:00
With more responsibilities and not enough tax revenue, city hall is headed for financial crisis unless council comes up with a comprehensive strategic plan that sets priorities and establishes cost-effective programs and services. "
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Great expectations
Lets see if real choices are forthcoming with a viable and honest platform
Let's be optimistic and open and avoid the "Canadian Duck" label. PR
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Great expectations: "The Conservatives will have a chance this week to show Canadians they are made of better stuff than Prime Minister Dithers and his regime of misplaced priorities. "
The Conservatives will have a chance this week to show Canadians they are made of better stuff than Prime Minister Dithers and his regime of misplaced priorities.
Let's be optimistic and open and avoid the "Canadian Duck" label. PR
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Great expectations: "The Conservatives will have a chance this week to show Canadians they are made of better stuff than Prime Minister Dithers and his regime of misplaced priorities. "
The Conservatives will have a chance this week to show Canadians they are made of better stuff than Prime Minister Dithers and his regime of misplaced priorities.
National Post
A lot of people do not think that the government is doing a good job and are protecting their hard earned money outside of Canada- Hmm- if they can make ireland a mecca -why not Canada? PR
National Post: "$88B flees Canada: Taxes blamed as investment in offshore havens soars"
More than one-fifth of all Canadian direct investment abroad in 2003, or more than 20 cents of every dollar, went into offshore financial centres, double the proportion 13 years earlier, the report said.
National Post: "$88B flees Canada: Taxes blamed as investment in offshore havens soars"
More than one-fifth of all Canadian direct investment abroad in 2003, or more than 20 cents of every dollar, went into offshore financial centres, double the proportion 13 years earlier, the report said.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Was ticket tip point?
So what really happened in the fatal misadventure of our four brave Mounties? Shocking and sad PA
Most startling of all is the killings may have been sparked by a simple traffic ticket.
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Was ticket tip point?
Most startling of all is the killings may have been sparked by a simple traffic ticket.
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Was ticket tip point?
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Court reform
Interesting Businee week article on how to fix the Court system -PR
How to Fix The Tort System
How to Fix The Tort System
Friday, March 04, 2005
Did the Liberals redraw Greenbelt boundries for their friends?
Hamilton: "TORONTO (CP) -- In an unrelenting attack on the Liberals' integrity Thursday, the Conservatives raised questions about whether development interests related to the finance minister had received favourable treatment. "
Rural protest planned for Wednesday at Queen's Park Osprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor
Osprey Media Group Inc. - Brantford Expositor
Rural protest planned for Wednesday at Queen's Park
By John Paul Zronik, expositor staff
Local News - Friday, March 04, 2005 @ 01:00
Ontario farmers aren’t letting the provincial government off the hook.
The Lanark Landowners Association, based in eastern Ontario, is planning to follow this week’s protest at Queen's Park by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture with one Wednesday.
“The lambs were in to Queen’s Park yesterday, the lions will be there next week,” association president Randy Hillier said in a telephone interview Thursday.
Rural protest planned for Wednesday at Queen's Park
By John Paul Zronik, expositor staff
Local News - Friday, March 04, 2005 @ 01:00
Ontario farmers aren’t letting the provincial government off the hook.
The Lanark Landowners Association, based in eastern Ontario, is planning to follow this week’s protest at Queen's Park by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture with one Wednesday.
“The lambs were in to Queen’s Park yesterday, the lions will be there next week,” association president Randy Hillier said in a telephone interview Thursday.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Adam's fight continues on March 24

And will Justice be served in Brantford Court?

The "vindication" procedings of Developer Adam againt Revenue Canada will continue on March 24,2005. At that time Adam's new lawyer, a seasoned and competent Court of Appeal lawyer will speak and do battle on the issue. We will keep you posted.
Of interest from today's proceedings , was that the "excuse " or defense of "officially induced error" could only be used or heard after the trial and conviction of a defendant. This narrow interpretation will be heard by the presiding trial judge. It would appear that Adam has a good case for a new trial based on new information which was not made available or disclosed by the crown in the regular trial proceeding. It would appear that whatever the ruling on March 24 th the issue will be- if necessary -taken to the Court of Appeals on a number of issues which the trial judge cannot legally hear. We will keep you posted. PR
MSN Hotmail - Message
MSN Hotmail - Message: "
Here's some screwy logic: Encourage women of childbearing age (we'll call these millions of women WOCBA) to eat highly processed bread products because that's the only way many of them will get enough folic acid to avoid the risk of birth defects.
That advice comes from Anita Boles, executive director of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. Specifically, Ms. Boles is concerned that too many WOCBA may be caught up in the hype about low-carb diets. If they remove Wonder Bread from their diets (the reasoning goes), they won't be getting a sufficient amount of folic acid that refined grain products are fortified with.
Hmmm. Couldn't WOCBA just go to the store and purchase folic acid supplements?
Nope, not good enough, says Ms. Boles. Statistics show that 60 percent of the women in this group fail to take the recommended daily dose of 400 mcg of folic acid.
So let's see if I've got this straight. Since well over 50 percent of WOCBA don't take the simple step necessary to help prevent birth defects, the best solution is that they should be encouraged to eat plenty of crappy fortified carbs? Of course, those aren't Ms. Boles' words. She describes them as 'enriched grains.'
Well, call them what you want. A daily intake of highly processed grain products simply adds up to 'enriched' poor nutrition.
Happily, though, on the same day I came across the item with Ms. Boles' advice, I happened to find an article from a mainstream media outlet that actually offers some surprisingly clear thinking about carbohydrates.
Measuring up
Here's some screwy logic: Encourage women of childbearing age (we'll call these millions of women WOCBA) to eat highly processed bread products because that's the only way many of them will get enough folic acid to avoid the risk of birth defects.
That advice comes from Anita Boles, executive director of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. Specifically, Ms. Boles is concerned that too many WOCBA may be caught up in the hype about low-carb diets. If they remove Wonder Bread from their diets (the reasoning goes), they won't be getting a sufficient amount of folic acid that refined grain products are fortified with.
Hmmm. Couldn't WOCBA just go to the store and purchase folic acid supplements?
Nope, not good enough, says Ms. Boles. Statistics show that 60 percent of the women in this group fail to take the recommended daily dose of 400 mcg of folic acid.
So let's see if I've got this straight. Since well over 50 percent of WOCBA don't take the simple step necessary to help prevent birth defects, the best solution is that they should be encouraged to eat plenty of crappy fortified carbs? Of course, those aren't Ms. Boles' words. She describes them as 'enriched grains.'
Well, call them what you want. A daily intake of highly processed grain products simply adds up to 'enriched' poor nutrition.
Happily, though, on the same day I came across the item with Ms. Boles' advice, I happened to find an article from a mainstream media outlet that actually offers some surprisingly clear thinking about carbohydrates.
Measuring up
News | network
Bob said in response to this article" What damned successes?? Ticking off our biggest trading partner and destroying the country's beef industry? Making us an international laughing stock? Stealing taxpayer's money and lying to us about it?Just gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, doesn't it!! "It should be interesting how the leadership review people see it-vested interest and all Chukle-PR
News | network
News | network
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Farmers protest - Going broke , Overregulated, Seek help from thrifty( adscam) people
It continues to be a dithers problem -will anyone really help? Will it be another situation of more meetings of "concerned" politicians and government administrators with no real relief? What do you think based on the recent performance of the McQuinty administration? PR
Full story from Hamilton National Post
Ontario farmers rally at Queen's Park Wednesday, March 02, 2005
TORONTO -- Thousands of angry farmers have gathered on the lawn of the Ontario legislature. They're protesting what they call government neglect of a crisis in the farming sector.
Full story from Hamilton National Post
Ontario farmers rally at Queen's Park Wednesday, March 02, 2005
TORONTO -- Thousands of angry farmers have gathered on the lawn of the Ontario legislature. They're protesting what they call government neglect of a crisis in the farming sector.
What will happen next to Condo Developer Adam?
Backgrounder and reference. On March 3, our besieged developer Adam , will again be before the court to face the Crown and the Revenue Canada Golliath.
We are all waiting to see if the "officially induced error" defense will work. It normally takes more then one party to have a criminal act . The question is also why no one, at Revenue Canada, has it would seem been held to account for allowing the events to happen in the first place. Have the qualified "highly trained and knowledgeable "counter people or the auditor of Revenue Canada who approved the release of funds or whose instructions were followed , been criminally charged,as well?
Are there two sets of rules in place -one for normal or common citizens and one for "insulated from" or "above the law" government workers? What a ridiculous question. As the current Adscam inquery shows and which has shed light on other lax government due diligence creteria , we will see how "Common justice" will be "fairly" and "equally" served tommorrow and in the future.
The proceedings start tommorrow at 10 at the main Brantford Court house for those who wish to attend. We will keep you posted
We are all waiting to see if the "officially induced error" defense will work. It normally takes more then one party to have a criminal act . The question is also why no one, at Revenue Canada, has it would seem been held to account for allowing the events to happen in the first place. Have the qualified "highly trained and knowledgeable "counter people or the auditor of Revenue Canada who approved the release of funds or whose instructions were followed , been criminally charged,as well?
Are there two sets of rules in place -one for normal or common citizens and one for "insulated from" or "above the law" government workers? What a ridiculous question. As the current Adscam inquery shows and which has shed light on other lax government due diligence creteria , we will see how "Common justice" will be "fairly" and "equally" served tommorrow and in the future.
The proceedings start tommorrow at 10 at the main Brantford Court house for those who wish to attend. We will keep you posted
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Butt ban kills, hotelier warns
Twisted humour- And the researcers did not get a grant to do this-obviously does not fit the current health agenda.Chuckle Q-J
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Butt ban kills, hotelier warns: "Butt ban kills, hotelier warns
Causes murder rate to rise
Apparently, there are a lot of people dying for a smoke. Gary Desrosiers, a rural hotel owner who's leading a charge against Manitoba's indoor smoking ban, said yesterday he has extensive research that proves there's a direct correlation between butt bans and higher murder rates.
But the province has called into question the reliability of the data, which was gathered by Desrosiers and his brother Guy.
"This is all carefully researched stuff," said Desrosiers, owner of the Brunkild Bar and Grill. "We've known this for a long time but we wanted to make sure we had all our ducks in a row before we said anything."
Desrosiers said murders have shot up in cities that have introduced indoor smoking bans. For example, there were no murders in Fredericton, N.B., between 2000 and 2002. A smoking ban was introduced in 2003, and there were two homicides that year, according to the Desrosiers brothers.
They have similar figures for several other North American cities. The data is posted on their website, which is dedicated to convincing the province to reverse its ban on smoking in indoor public and work places.
Healthy Living Minister Theresa Oswald said Desrosiers' conclusion may be a bit of a stretch.
"Certainly, I can understand why people who are very anxious about the smoking ban ... might really wish to see a connection between such things," Oswald said. "I have some personal difficulty seeing the cause-and-effect relationship."
In their research, the brothers note there were 18 homicides in Winnipeg two years ago -- when the citywide smoking ban kicked in. The number of homicides jumped to 34 last year.
According to police statistics, there were 19 homicides in 2003, not the 18 claimed by the Desrosiers.
The Desrosiers also claim to have found a correlation between butt bans and incidents of rape.
"Is voluntary exposure to second-hand smoke worth an increased workload on police, longer response times for police in an emergency, more unregulated drinking and an increase in murder and rape?" reads a portion of the website.
Desrosiers said he believes smoke bans drive people to drink more at home and at house parties. Without the supervision of sober bar staff, violence is more likely to escalate, he said.
Oswald said scientists would probably conclude the research methodology isn't very sound.
"What do you want for scientific evidence?" Desrosiers said. "I don't know what more we can do."
- On the web:
Apparently, there are a lot of people dying for a smoke. Gary Desrosiers, a rural hotel owner who's leading a charge against Manitoba's indoor smoking ban, said yesterday he has extensive research that proves there's a direct correlation between butt bans and higher murder rates.
But the province has called into question the reliability of the data, which was gathered by Desrosiers and his brother Guy.
'This is all carefully researched stuff,' said Desrosiers, owner of the Brunkild Bar and Grill. 'We've known this for a long time but we wanted to make sure we had all our ducks in a row before we said anything.'
Desrosiers said murders have shot up in cities that have introduced indoor smoking bans. For example, there were no murders in Fredericton, N.B., between 2000 and 2002. A smoking ban was introduced in 2003, and there were two homicides that year, according to the Desrosiers brothers.
They have similar figures for several other North American cities. The data is posted on their website, which is dedicated to convincing the province to reverse its ban on smoking in indoor public and work places.
Healthy Living Minister Theresa Oswald said Desrosiers' conclusion may be a bit of a stretch.
'Certainly, I can understand why people who are very anxious about the smoking ban ... might really wish to see a connection between such things,' Oswald said. 'I have some personal difficulty seeing the cause-and-effect relationship.'
In their research, the brothers note there were 18 homicides in Winnipeg two years ago -- when the citywide smoking ban kicked in. The num"
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Butt ban kills, hotelier warns: "Butt ban kills, hotelier warns
Causes murder rate to rise
Apparently, there are a lot of people dying for a smoke. Gary Desrosiers, a rural hotel owner who's leading a charge against Manitoba's indoor smoking ban, said yesterday he has extensive research that proves there's a direct correlation between butt bans and higher murder rates.
But the province has called into question the reliability of the data, which was gathered by Desrosiers and his brother Guy.
"This is all carefully researched stuff," said Desrosiers, owner of the Brunkild Bar and Grill. "We've known this for a long time but we wanted to make sure we had all our ducks in a row before we said anything."
Desrosiers said murders have shot up in cities that have introduced indoor smoking bans. For example, there were no murders in Fredericton, N.B., between 2000 and 2002. A smoking ban was introduced in 2003, and there were two homicides that year, according to the Desrosiers brothers.
They have similar figures for several other North American cities. The data is posted on their website, which is dedicated to convincing the province to reverse its ban on smoking in indoor public and work places.
Healthy Living Minister Theresa Oswald said Desrosiers' conclusion may be a bit of a stretch.
"Certainly, I can understand why people who are very anxious about the smoking ban ... might really wish to see a connection between such things," Oswald said. "I have some personal difficulty seeing the cause-and-effect relationship."
In their research, the brothers note there were 18 homicides in Winnipeg two years ago -- when the citywide smoking ban kicked in. The number of homicides jumped to 34 last year.
According to police statistics, there were 19 homicides in 2003, not the 18 claimed by the Desrosiers.
The Desrosiers also claim to have found a correlation between butt bans and incidents of rape.
"Is voluntary exposure to second-hand smoke worth an increased workload on police, longer response times for police in an emergency, more unregulated drinking and an increase in murder and rape?" reads a portion of the website.
Desrosiers said he believes smoke bans drive people to drink more at home and at house parties. Without the supervision of sober bar staff, violence is more likely to escalate, he said.
Oswald said scientists would probably conclude the research methodology isn't very sound.
"What do you want for scientific evidence?" Desrosiers said. "I don't know what more we can do."
- On the web:
Apparently, there are a lot of people dying for a smoke. Gary Desrosiers, a rural hotel owner who's leading a charge against Manitoba's indoor smoking ban, said yesterday he has extensive research that proves there's a direct correlation between butt bans and higher murder rates.
But the province has called into question the reliability of the data, which was gathered by Desrosiers and his brother Guy.
'This is all carefully researched stuff,' said Desrosiers, owner of the Brunkild Bar and Grill. 'We've known this for a long time but we wanted to make sure we had all our ducks in a row before we said anything.'
Desrosiers said murders have shot up in cities that have introduced indoor smoking bans. For example, there were no murders in Fredericton, N.B., between 2000 and 2002. A smoking ban was introduced in 2003, and there were two homicides that year, according to the Desrosiers brothers.
They have similar figures for several other North American cities. The data is posted on their website, which is dedicated to convincing the province to reverse its ban on smoking in indoor public and work places.
Healthy Living Minister Theresa Oswald said Desrosiers' conclusion may be a bit of a stretch.
'Certainly, I can understand why people who are very anxious about the smoking ban ... might really wish to see a connection between such things,' Oswald said. 'I have some personal difficulty seeing the cause-and-effect relationship.'
In their research, the brothers note there were 18 homicides in Winnipeg two years ago -- when the citywide smoking ban kicked in. The num"
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Winners are ...
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Winners are ...: "Winners are ...
By CP and Staff
Soccer Season is Here! 6/9 Month Size Soccer Outfit
PriceC $3.71
soccer shoes, size 3 with new soccer ball
PriceC $18.59
REAL MADRID 'RONALDO # 9' White Soccer Jersey Football
PriceC $39.96
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 [PS2] + Update Disc. Mint Cond
PriceC $11.91
Mulberribush NWT 8 Soccer Net Tee Golden 'Spring'
PriceC $17.30
PriceC $23.56
PriceC $9.30
View all 16821 items on eBay
Lifetime Teddy award: Andre Ouellet, former head of Canada Post, who resigned last summer in a fiasco over his expense accounts. Federal government category: Lucie McClung, head of the Canadian prison system, for collecting $142,000 in travel expenses between 2001 and 2003 while 'felons are running Canada's prison system.'
Provincial government category: Saskatchewan government for an ill-fated project to establish a potato industry which ended up costing $36 million.
Municipal government category: Toronto City Hall for spending $853,000 on emergency shelter beds for homeless people that were never used"
By CP and Staff
Soccer Season is Here! 6/9 Month Size Soccer Outfit
PriceC $3.71
soccer shoes, size 3 with new soccer ball
PriceC $18.59
REAL MADRID 'RONALDO # 9' White Soccer Jersey Football
PriceC $39.96
Pro Evolution Soccer 3 [PS2] + Update Disc. Mint Cond
PriceC $11.91
Mulberribush NWT 8 Soccer Net Tee Golden 'Spring'
PriceC $17.30
PriceC $23.56
PriceC $9.30
View all 16821 items on eBay
Lifetime Teddy award: Andre Ouellet, former head of Canada Post, who resigned last summer in a fiasco over his expense accounts. Federal government category: Lucie McClung, head of the Canadian prison system, for collecting $142,000 in travel expenses between 2001 and 2003 while 'felons are running Canada's prison system.'
Provincial government category: Saskatchewan government for an ill-fated project to establish a potato industry which ended up costing $36 million.
Municipal government category: Toronto City Hall for spending $853,000 on emergency shelter beds for homeless people that were never used"
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Stupid status snagged
Winnipeg Sun: NEWS - Stupid status snagged: "Stupid status snagged
Free crack-pipe program recognized
PriceC $8.81
Data Cable w/ Drivers+ Case +Car Charger Motorola V220
PriceC $4.70
PriceC $6.19
1953 Topps DREAM CAR Curvision Rear Engine Coupe
PriceC $13.84
PriceC $1.23
USB Retractable Sync Cable & Car Charger - HP H4150
PriceC $16.39
PriceC $11.89
View all 118145 items on eBay
Sometimes it's enough of an honour just being nominated. The free crack-pipe program run by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority was a runner-up in the Canadian Taxpayers Federation's Teddy awards, which were presented yesterday.
The seventh annual spoof of the Oscars targets irresponsible and extravagant government spending.
'With so much demand put upon the health-care system, the CTF questions to this day why the health authority is handing out free crack pipes,' said Adrienne Batra, Manitoba director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
The awards are named for Ted Weatherill, a former bureaucrat who was fired in 1999 over bloated expense accounts he ran up as head of the Canada Labour Relations Board.
The crack-pipe program was one of four nominees in the municipal government category. The 'winner' was Toront"
Free crack-pipe program recognized
PriceC $8.81
Data Cable w/ Drivers+ Case +Car Charger Motorola V220
PriceC $4.70
PriceC $6.19
1953 Topps DREAM CAR Curvision Rear Engine Coupe
PriceC $13.84
PriceC $1.23
USB Retractable Sync Cable & Car Charger - HP H4150
PriceC $16.39
PriceC $11.89
View all 118145 items on eBay
Sometimes it's enough of an honour just being nominated. The free crack-pipe program run by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority was a runner-up in the Canadian Taxpayers Federation's Teddy awards, which were presented yesterday.
The seventh annual spoof of the Oscars targets irresponsible and extravagant government spending.
'With so much demand put upon the health-care system, the CTF questions to this day why the health authority is handing out free crack pipes,' said Adrienne Batra, Manitoba director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
The awards are named for Ted Weatherill, a former bureaucrat who was fired in 1999 over bloated expense accounts he ran up as head of the Canada Labour Relations Board.
The crack-pipe program was one of four nominees in the municipal government category. The 'winner' was Toront"
Skimaire High Tech
There seems to be lots of money for political advertising and graft. It would be nice if some of this money could be spent on meaningful technology. SHT Comments
Skimaire High Tech
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Obscene beyond belief:
Kickbacks. Payoffs. Cabinet ministers-turned-lobbyists. Multi-million-dollar salaries. There has to be a movie in the drama playing out as the federal sponsorship inquiry unfolds in front of Justice John Gomery.
The only trouble is, it would be difficult for the filmmakers to produce anything as outrageous as the reality of a government program run amok.
The story has grown obscene beyond belief as the inquiry moved its base of operations to Montreal this week to hear from some of the ad agency executives whose firms did so well from the sponsorship program.
For the past two days the spotlight has been on Jean Lafleur, whose company hauled down more than $12 million in salaries and bonuses during a six-year span for its role in helping Quebecers feel at home in Canada.
Documents tabled at the inquiry show Lafleur himself earned more than $9.3 million between 1994 and 2000 while he ran Jean Lafleur Communication Marketing Inc., and his wife Dyane, daughter Julie and son Eric took in another $2.8 million during the same period. Not since the late 1970s have we heard the words 'Lafleur scores' this often out of Montreal.
In 2001, Lafleur sold his firm to Jean Brault, another Montreal ad executive cited in the scandal. Brault faces fraud charges in connection with the fiasco.
During the period in which his company was billing the government so heavily, Lafleur also became a major contributor to the federal Liberal party, a fact that should come as a surprise to nobody. Liberal party documents show Lafleur's firm donated nearly $100,000 to the party between 1996 and 2001.
He told the AdScam inquiry yesterday that he stayed out of politics and didn't attend fundraisers until former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano's bagman and a Liberal"
Skimaire High Tech
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: Obscene beyond belief:
Kickbacks. Payoffs. Cabinet ministers-turned-lobbyists. Multi-million-dollar salaries. There has to be a movie in the drama playing out as the federal sponsorship inquiry unfolds in front of Justice John Gomery.
The only trouble is, it would be difficult for the filmmakers to produce anything as outrageous as the reality of a government program run amok.
The story has grown obscene beyond belief as the inquiry moved its base of operations to Montreal this week to hear from some of the ad agency executives whose firms did so well from the sponsorship program.
For the past two days the spotlight has been on Jean Lafleur, whose company hauled down more than $12 million in salaries and bonuses during a six-year span for its role in helping Quebecers feel at home in Canada.
Documents tabled at the inquiry show Lafleur himself earned more than $9.3 million between 1994 and 2000 while he ran Jean Lafleur Communication Marketing Inc., and his wife Dyane, daughter Julie and son Eric took in another $2.8 million during the same period. Not since the late 1970s have we heard the words 'Lafleur scores' this often out of Montreal.
In 2001, Lafleur sold his firm to Jean Brault, another Montreal ad executive cited in the scandal. Brault faces fraud charges in connection with the fiasco.
During the period in which his company was billing the government so heavily, Lafleur also became a major contributor to the federal Liberal party, a fact that should come as a surprise to nobody. Liberal party documents show Lafleur's firm donated nearly $100,000 to the party between 1996 and 2001.
He told the AdScam inquiry yesterday that he stayed out of politics and didn't attend fundraisers until former public works minister Alfonso Gagliano's bagman and a Liberal"
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Innovators wanted
For those who want to build a better tangible mousetrap -Skimaire High Tech needs and wants you. Go to add some value and have some fun at Skimaire Canada

The dream machine - help us build the prototype

The dream machine - help us build the prototype

Bottom Line's Smart Consumer
American insights -take charge QJ
Bottom Line's Smart Consumer: "
CONSUMER ALERT! Half your loved ones are about to be stiffed by their MEDICAL INSURERS!
WHAT AN OUTRAGE! Our experts now estimate that more than half of all Americans will have their health claims and treatment requests denied by cost-cutting insurers. But you say you?re not surprised? Maybe they?ve already done it to someone you love? Well, here at Bottom Line, we?re not waiting to hear more excuses. Instead, we?re handing you all the weapons you need to bust any logjam, bypass any bureaucrat and...
Get the best health care money can buy, NO MATTER WHAT...
No matter what you make, how you?re insured, or even if you?re not insured. You?ll start by learning...
They?re counting on you to throw up your hands, but keep reading and they?ll soon march to your tune. First, obtain a copy of the actual policy and demand a written notice of the denial. Now write down this phone number: 1-800-532-5274. That?s the toll-free hotline of The Patient Advocate Foundation. They?ll provide FREE support, intercede with the insurer if need be, or put you in touch with somebody local who can. See page 331 of your FREE-Preview book Bottom Line?s SMART CONSUMER for full instructions ? and do send for it now, because many policies give you as little as 30 days to appeal. And you won?t want to miss the details on how to:
GET FREE NURSING CARE for loved ones, regardless of whether they currently qualify for Medicaid. No three-year ?look back.? Demand it right now. Page 335
SAY 3 MAGIC WORDS that strike fear into any unfair insurer. You?re almost guaranteed they?ll reconsider. Page 332
Bottom Line's Smart Consumer: "
CONSUMER ALERT! Half your loved ones are about to be stiffed by their MEDICAL INSURERS!
WHAT AN OUTRAGE! Our experts now estimate that more than half of all Americans will have their health claims and treatment requests denied by cost-cutting insurers. But you say you?re not surprised? Maybe they?ve already done it to someone you love? Well, here at Bottom Line, we?re not waiting to hear more excuses. Instead, we?re handing you all the weapons you need to bust any logjam, bypass any bureaucrat and...
Get the best health care money can buy, NO MATTER WHAT...
No matter what you make, how you?re insured, or even if you?re not insured. You?ll start by learning...
They?re counting on you to throw up your hands, but keep reading and they?ll soon march to your tune. First, obtain a copy of the actual policy and demand a written notice of the denial. Now write down this phone number: 1-800-532-5274. That?s the toll-free hotline of The Patient Advocate Foundation. They?ll provide FREE support, intercede with the insurer if need be, or put you in touch with somebody local who can. See page 331 of your FREE-Preview book Bottom Line?s SMART CONSUMER for full instructions ? and do send for it now, because many policies give you as little as 30 days to appeal. And you won?t want to miss the details on how to:
GET FREE NURSING CARE for loved ones, regardless of whether they currently qualify for Medicaid. No three-year ?look back.? Demand it right now. Page 335
SAY 3 MAGIC WORDS that strike fear into any unfair insurer. You?re almost guaranteed they?ll reconsider. Page 332
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: White guys not wanted
And just what is wrong with merit? Another special interest agenda which deprives
people with the necessay skills to compete by the gatekeepers- PR
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: White guys not wanted: "White guys not wanted
Buried deep in Ralph Goodale's big pile of budget documents last week is a promise to combat racism. One of the documents reiterates the pledge from last October's throne speech to 'strengthen Canada's ability to combat racism, hate speech and hate crimes.'
And so the budget earmarks $56 million over the next five years to implement an action plan that will 'reinforce the government of Canada's ongoing commitment to eliminating racist behaviours and attitudes.'
Capital idea. And we suggest that, unless the federal Liberals want to be labelled the biggest political hypocrites ever, they start by eliminating and denouncing their racist and discriminatory hiring policies, such as the one being promulgated by Correctional Service of Canada, which is rejecting any job applications that don't come from visible-minority and aboriginal candidates.
Michele Pilon-Santilli defended the policy, saying that 'representation is an integral part of today's public service, as is education, experience and linguistic capabilities.'
Fine. We think it's laudable for employers to strive for fair representation of all segments of society, and to promote and encourage people from under-represented groups to apply for positions -- as the City of Winnipeg is attempting to do with aboriginals.
But we draw the line at a quota-based system, where targets are achieved through exclusionary hiring practices in which the right to apply is denied to citizens who may be the best-qualified applicants. It's a sledgehammer approach that can only be described as blatantly racist and discriminatory.
This officially sanctioned discrimination isn't confined to Correctional Service of Canada, either. The Jobs Canada website operated by the federal government is chock"
people with the necessay skills to compete by the gatekeepers- PR
Winnipeg Sun Editorial: White guys not wanted: "White guys not wanted
Buried deep in Ralph Goodale's big pile of budget documents last week is a promise to combat racism. One of the documents reiterates the pledge from last October's throne speech to 'strengthen Canada's ability to combat racism, hate speech and hate crimes.'
And so the budget earmarks $56 million over the next five years to implement an action plan that will 'reinforce the government of Canada's ongoing commitment to eliminating racist behaviours and attitudes.'
Capital idea. And we suggest that, unless the federal Liberals want to be labelled the biggest political hypocrites ever, they start by eliminating and denouncing their racist and discriminatory hiring policies, such as the one being promulgated by Correctional Service of Canada, which is rejecting any job applications that don't come from visible-minority and aboriginal candidates.
Michele Pilon-Santilli defended the policy, saying that 'representation is an integral part of today's public service, as is education, experience and linguistic capabilities.'
Fine. We think it's laudable for employers to strive for fair representation of all segments of society, and to promote and encourage people from under-represented groups to apply for positions -- as the City of Winnipeg is attempting to do with aboriginals.
But we draw the line at a quota-based system, where targets are achieved through exclusionary hiring practices in which the right to apply is denied to citizens who may be the best-qualified applicants. It's a sledgehammer approach that can only be described as blatantly racist and discriminatory.
This officially sanctioned discrimination isn't confined to Correctional Service of Canada, either. The Jobs Canada website operated by the federal government is chock"
Frontier Centre for Public Policy
I agree with this assessment -we are improving but taxes which inhibit market growth should be reduced . PR
Frontier Centre for Public Policy: "What is your verdict on the federal budget? E-mail from Ross F. Smith, Winnipeg.
The 2005 federal budget contained some positive policy tweaks. Raising personal tax exemptions, minor corporate tax reductions and raising RRSP contribution limits will all have positive effects. Eliminating restrictions on foreign pension investments is a smart reform. But the budget is too light on tax reductions, with too much individual relief backloaded five years down the road.
It?s the reverse for spending, most of it into areas of provincial jurisdiction, and in the bloc-funding style, with no incentives for improving policy outcomes. Spending is up by 44% since 2000 and a staggering 12% in this budget. More money into the healthcare monopoly and into unaccountable aboriginal bureaucracies, merely raises inputs with no assurance of increased outputs. Ditto for more equalization, which swells government spending in ?have-not? provinces; it further politicizes those economies in a world where competitive taxes and efficient services are the recipe for success. Federal child care programs and Kyoto-related items like windmill subsidies are emerging as major boondoggles.
That said, the budget is in balance. Canada remains the enviable creator of surpluses, even if that substantial fiscal dividend is often poured into ineffective, wasteful policy models. Had federal spending been held to inflation plus population growth since 2000, Canada could have cut the personal income tax by 30%. With surpluses intact"
Frontier Centre for Public Policy: "What is your verdict on the federal budget? E-mail from Ross F. Smith, Winnipeg.
The 2005 federal budget contained some positive policy tweaks. Raising personal tax exemptions, minor corporate tax reductions and raising RRSP contribution limits will all have positive effects. Eliminating restrictions on foreign pension investments is a smart reform. But the budget is too light on tax reductions, with too much individual relief backloaded five years down the road.
It?s the reverse for spending, most of it into areas of provincial jurisdiction, and in the bloc-funding style, with no incentives for improving policy outcomes. Spending is up by 44% since 2000 and a staggering 12% in this budget. More money into the healthcare monopoly and into unaccountable aboriginal bureaucracies, merely raises inputs with no assurance of increased outputs. Ditto for more equalization, which swells government spending in ?have-not? provinces; it further politicizes those economies in a world where competitive taxes and efficient services are the recipe for success. Federal child care programs and Kyoto-related items like windmill subsidies are emerging as major boondoggles.
That said, the budget is in balance. Canada remains the enviable creator of surpluses, even if that substantial fiscal dividend is often poured into ineffective, wasteful policy models. Had federal spending been held to inflation plus population growth since 2000, Canada could have cut the personal income tax by 30%. With surpluses intact"
From the trough news
Ottawa Citizen - network: "Lafleurs took in $12.1M during contract heyday
Inquiry can't prove family was paid directly by sponsorship program"
Inquiry can't prove family was paid directly by sponsorship program"
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