Tuesday, April 11, 2006

winnipegsun.com - Editorial - Two tax cuts are better than one, Mr. Harper

The bottom line is that our taxes are way too high for the services that are delivered. Lets get some of our money back and reverse the government people inflation. Go Harper go. PR

winnipegsun.com - Editorial - Two tax cuts are better than one, Mr. Harper: "Prime Minister Stephen Harper's new Conservative government came to power on a bold promise of tax cuts -- including an immediate 1% reduction in the GST. And unlike their predecessors, who famously promised to scrap the GST but never touched it in 13 years (instead becoming its biggest boosters), the Harper Tories intend to keep their promise in their first budget a few weeks from now.
Unlike the Liberal hypocrites and their supporters who preach that a GST cut is inferior to a broad-based income tax cut, we're all for cutting the GST. We're all for cutting any tax -- actually doing it, that is; not merely talking about it, or making small cuts here while raising pension premiums there, etc. "

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