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The Energy Lie (Suppression of Technological Evolution) |
No Body Of Men Has The Right To Deny The Technological Evolution Of Mankind...

The Energy Lie (Supresion Of Technological Evolution, The Evidence) Full Movie

The full version of "The Energy Lie(Suppression Of Technological Evolution) covers various inventors and suppressed inventions. Such as, Nikola Tesla, Marco Rodin, Stan Meyers, Water powered cars(HHO gas) water, dirt, and air batteries, "kelvins thunderstorm", Stirling engines, the "n-machine", and several others. Includes several Experiments you can try at home with household materials, proving that the Energy Crisis is a lie, and solutions are all around us, we just have to be willing to look. well worth watching, even if you know a lot about "free energy" you may learn something you didn't know.
The Energy Cartels Don't Want You To Watch This Film (It Will Put Them Out Of Business)

The energy cartels don't want you to watch this film (it will put them out of business)
The Energy Crisis is a lie, here is the evidence.
This Movie Is The Sequel To The Truth Behind The Energy Lie (Suppression Of Technological Evolution, The Evidence) full movie if you have not seen it, i highly recommend you watch it.
This video shows you how you can easily build your own devices that will free you from the energy grid. but even more importantly, It shows the more advanced work of amazing scientist and engineers that, if embraced on a large scale, would completely free the world from the enslavement of the energy cartels.

A Dublin company call Steorn has issued a challenge for all engineers and scientist to come and look at their invention, on the sole condition that any of their observations and data be published. so far any engineers that have seen the generator, have supported their claims of 5x electrical generation compared to what is use. The device is kick started by a battery,(which is then recharged by the device) once it starts running, it can remain self sustaining for years. magnetic attraction and repulsion are the driving force behind the machine.
Part one also briefly touches on some of the threats that Steorn has faced for publicizing their work. the device will not be put into production until it is readily accepted by the scientific community. testing is still in progress.

two company known as Excellatron, and Johnson research & development, both founded by the engineer who brought the world the "super-soaker" water gun, are currently working on Clean Energy products. the companies founder engineer, Lonnie Johnson, discusses his Lithium air battery, which can provide up to 10 times the energy of the most powerful batteries available today. part two, also talks about Johnson's other ground breaking invention, the j-tech engine that converts heat into electricity, which was awarded,breakthrough prize in 2008, by popular mechanics magazine.
Danny Klein discuses his Water powered torch with local fox news, the device uses Electrolysis to separate water molecules into their individual Hydrogen and oxygen atoms, they combined gas (HHO) is then used to power a torch that (while completely safe to human touch, feeling only slightly warm) can burn holes into bricks(instantly turning hotter then the sun), turns a brass ball into glowing liquid metal in 3 seconds, and instantly cuts through steel, lead, and other metals, while still cool to the touch. All powered by water. He then had a question, could the Gas be used to power the engine of a vehicle? so he decided to test it on his own vehicle, and found that he could drive 100 miles on just 4 ounces of water. while his car can run completely on water, he currently has his vehicle as a gas-water hybrid. he was invited to demonstrate his invention with congress, and is currently working to develop a water-gas hybrid hummer for the U.S military.
Stan Meyers discusses his Water powered Car with Action 26 News, an invention that caught the eye of the pentagon as well....unfortunately Stan Meyers died under suspicious circumstances and is unable to continue his work

Stan Meyers was never able to secure founding for his water powered car after certain Pentagon officials visited his research, and was later found dead under very mysterious circumstances. this video discuses both the suppression of technologies and the reasons why they are suppressed.
We also begin to look at John Hutchison work on what has been called "The Hutchison Effect" as well as his work on "Zero-point" Energy. John discusses his new batteries system made from common minerals aligned in a specific way to produce electricity, literally pulling electricity from minerals, the device has been tested for up to a year's time, and even under stress loads.

We also continue our discussion of Nikola Tesla, who had discovered a way to harness the naturally occurring electricity from the ionosphere, and then in turn rebroadcast it to individual relay stations that could be placed anywhere. Each primary tower could produce renewable, safe, clean electricity, and would then broadcast it wirelessly to points as far away (as his experiments in Colorado springs showed) as 30 miles away from the primary broadcast tower.

We also discuss an invention known as a "Kelvins Thunder Storm" a bucket of water is suspended in the air with two places for the water to fall, the water falls through a conducting ring (which is attached by wire to a conducting can on the other side) and into a conducting can(which is connected by wire to a conducting ring on the other side) as the water falls its naturally magnetic properties produce a charge, that slowly builds up, the two cans at the bottom are connected with a small spark gap in between them, once the electricity builds to a certain point the charge is released. an electrostatic motor can be placed in-between the spark gap and will be turned by the same principles that produce lightning.

We also begin our discussion of "Water Batteries" devices that are designed to pull Electricity from nothing but water. This video also contains simple instructions on how anybody can construct their own "water Battery" from common household materials and start making your OWN electricity from WATER, as well as instructions on how to build your very own "Earth Battery" which pulls electricity from nothing but dirt.

We also discuss a relatively new technology, "Air Battery's" unlike water and earth batteries, Air batteries pull electricity directly from the Air, once constructed you simply need to "plug in" to start using the electricity.