Sunday, October 17, 2010

Smile -why we need to do service audits when we are having a bad day

Having a Bad Day?    At work,at city hall in your organization -do an audit to find out why

Well, then, consider this..............

In a hospital's Intensive Care Unit, patients always died in the same bed, on Sunday morning, at about 11:00 a.m., regardless of their medical condition.

This puzzled the doctors and some even thought it had something to do with the supernatural. No one could solve the mystery as to why the deaths occurred around 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, so a worldwide team of experts was assembled to investigate the cause of the incidents.

The next Sunday morning, a few minutes before 11:00 a.m., all of the doctors and nurses nervously waited outside the ward to see for themselves what the terrible phenomenon was all about. Some were holding wooden crossses, prayer books, and other holy objects to ward off the evil spirits.

Just when the clock struck 11:00, Pookie Johnson, the part-time Sunday sweeper, entered the ward and unplugged the life support system so he could use the vacuum cleaner.
Small things can make bad thing happen in a big way - all parts of your organization -big and small must properly work together.

Still Having a Bad Day?
The average cost of rehabilitating a seal after the Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Alaska was $ 80,000.00. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively saved animals were being released back into the wild amid cheers and applause from onlookers.

A minute later, in full view, a killer whale ate them both.
Good intentions ,money do not necessarily make a difference

Thursday, October 14, 2010

If Universities Were In Business, They’d Be Out Of Business: FCPP - Frontier Centre for Public Policy

If Universities Were In Business, They’d Be Out Of Business: FCPP - Frontier Centre for Public Policy

Monopolies don’t change until a competitive alternative comes along. Online learning offers a far superior formal teaching product. What it can’t deliver is teacher-student interaction. This is the competitive response that will make university life better for both faculty and students. Given that the education system is vital to Canada’s future, the payoff would be enormous.

This Globe and Mail report shows that all institutions have to re-invent themselves . Embrace the possibilities -do not place hurdles in front of constructive change and possibilities . PR

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fwd: Fw: *****BLACKLISTED***** Dalton McGinty

Subject: FW: *****BLACKLISTED***** Dalton McGinty

lets remember this for the next election.  i will remind you for sure...............

Subject: Fwd: *****BLACKLISTED***** Dalton McGinty
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:02:16 -0400


Subject: Fwd: *****BLACKLISTED***** Dalton McGinty


PLEASE READ, PASS ON (erase my e-mail before you 'forward' it please) AND REMEMBER NEXT ELECTION
  • Here is what our Premier has done for Ontario in the past seven years.
    Remember...he promised no tax increase in his campaign election message.

  • He has increased all the licensing fees from your car to your boat including fishing and hunting.
  • He introduced the temporary health care premium (surcharge) in 2004 (not called a tax) and some couples pay as much as $1,500.00 a year. And you are still paying it.  
  • He doubled the price of most lottery tickets. (Not called a tax).
  • He has put an ECO tax on many containers such as paint cans and window washer fluid most and people still don't realize it until they see the bill - he kept that one real quiet.
  • He put a disposal tax on all electronics.
  • He put the disposal tax back on tires.
  • And now he has passed the HST tax - the largest tax on the province ever and the only other tax in Ontario that ever came close to this in the past was the health care premium.  He passed this bill even though 76% of the people in Ontario were against it. The HST will provide the Province with an additional THREE BILLION dollars a year.
  • He awarded the Provincial PST Tax Collectors a staggering $9 million severance package when their jobs were transferred to the Federal Government as HST Tax Collectors and not a day's work was lost.

  • Soon we will all have our S.M.A.R.T.. meters that we will have to pay rent on and will end up doing our laundry in the middle of the night.  We are also going to pay big time for air conditioning from now on because when we need it the most it will be in the prime time of usage.
  • Let us not forget the E-health scandal with 1.2 billion dollars wasted and paid out to friends and relatives.   
What was Mr. McGuinty's answer to this? "Well, if the people of Ontario don't like it, they can show it in the next election."  Nice attitude.  This after he fired the CEO of E-health and then gave her a severance package of $300,000 - not bad for only being on the job for seven months.
  • And what about the SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS windmill power plant contract that he awarded to KOREA?  One would think there was some place in Canada or North America that could have built these.
  • He also closed the emergency rooms in Port Colborne and Fort Erie because there is not enough money. There have been two deaths since then because by the time they got to St. Catharine's it was too late.
    But he then awards a hospital in Toronto three million dollars - of course, that was in the riding where there just happens to be a by-election to replace George Smitherman!
  • He has taken the richest most prosperous province in Canada down to one of the poorest and has created a deficit of TWENTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS and he still has a year and a half to go.
And don't forget his nice little salary increase of $40,000.00 a year - millions of people in the province don't earn even half of that.
  • Have we forgotten all the MPP'S who also got a 14% increase? And now that they've had their increases he comes out with a new budget to freeze all provincial employees wages for two years - a bit late don't you think.
  • He increased the hydro tax by 10% in April of 2010.
  • He has increased the tax on liquor and wine by 10% in May of 2010.

 But, Mr. McGuinty will retire with his nice comfortable pension and all his benefits paid.
This needs to be passed around the province of Ontario and everybody needs to remember the way we got screwed by McGuinty and the Liberal party and not one Liberal MPP had enough guts to vote against any of the above. 


Hollecrest & Associates Inc   -"Turnaround Consultants" .

Back to Eden communities
 Sunridge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care

Gmail - [FAIR Newsletter] Whistleblower watchdog strikes out for third time: FAIR calls for change -

The Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, the agent of Parliament charged with protecting government whistleblowers, published her third annual report this week. For the third consecutive year the Commissioner’s office, with its annual budget of $6.5 million and staff of more than 20, has uncovered not a single case of wrongdoing and has protected not a single whistleblower.

Amazing is Canada really that good????

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Education pricey, but worth it

Education pricey, but worth it

If a recent release from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is to be believed, university graduates contribute more to Canada's economy and communities than do those without the benefit of higher education.

The new AUCC data on the value of a university degree highlight the benefits of investing in higher education against the backdrop of Canada's shifting demographics and the need for an increasingly flexible, adaptable and productive workforce.

"University graduates enter the workforce with the skills and knowledge necessary to adjust more easily to shifts in the employment market," says Paul Davidson, president, AUCC. "They find jobs quickly — and they find good jobs, that are interesting and pay well."
Never before did a university degree prove more useful than during the recent economic downturn, the worst in 70 years. University graduates enjoyed 150,000 net new jobs from September 2008 to March 2010, compared to 684,000 fewer jobs for those without a degree during that same period, according to AUCC data.

"This is a compelling arguement to increase and support higher education in Brantford to become a leading innovation and education hub and centre" says Sieg Holle who is running for Ward 1 in Brantford Oct 25 election.

"Knowledge is power -a power that we need to become a leading  innovation and learning hub "

Accountability and leadership: Sieg Holle Councillor for Ward 1 Brantford

Of 11 candidates there is only 1 experienced business MBA in the race.
Sieg Holle BS MBA deserves one of your two votes to make a constructive community difference

Advisors News | Industry news | ADVISORS - Preston Manning to advisors: No substitute for integrity

Advisors News | Industry news | ADVISORS - Preston Manning to advisors: No substitute for integrity

" "If the aim is corruption-free government, business, or professional advice, there is still no substitute for character, personal integrity and adherence to strong ethics," Manning told the audience. " This is good advice

Friday, October 01, 2010

Plant closings mean loss of 150 jobs - Brantford Expositor - Ontario, CA

Plant closings mean loss of 150 jobs - Brantford Expositor - Ontario, CA