October 23, 2009 (EM408)
Pebbles cause avalanches . . .
The End is Nigh
The End is Nigh
The gloomy end-of-the-world rhetoric of climate change catastrophists is nothing new. With, the permission of one of Australia's top scientists, Ian Plimer, the Frontier Centre excerpts an entertaining historical discussion of, the many "end of, the world" doomsayers who presage, the climate change versions we hear relentlessly today from his best-selling book Heaven and Earth (11 pages)
Proselytizing Five-Year Olds
Proselytizing is defined as an attempt to convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another. It has no place in, the classroom and requires a constant vigilance to ensure open minds and balanced information. Dr. Tim Ball explains how his five-year old grandson was subjected to indoctrination in school-the last place dogma should be inculcated.
Climate Terrorism? World Held to Ransom with Contrived Climate Science
A small group of scientists mostly associated with, the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at, the University of East Anglia have consciously withheld data and methods to place global progress, development, economies and peoples lives in jeopardy. Senior Fellow Dr. Tim Ball takes on myths propagated by, the climate change industry. Modern Environmentalist.
Global Warming Dismissed as 'Lies'
"Fluctuations in, the earth's temperature have occurred throughout history and can be explained by various factors, such as changes in, the sun", Monckton said. "Politicians motivated by money, power and glory are more than happy to jump on, the global-warming bandwagon." Frontier Centre in, the Media.
Apocalypse No
Powerpoint slides that accompanied Lord Christopher Monckton's Lunch on, the Frontier presentation in Winnipeg, October 8, 2009. Watch these concurrently as you listen to speech audio which can be heard by clicking here .
How Copenhagen Could Cost Canada Most
In fact, as a wealthy and growing net exporter of carbon-intensive products, particularly energy, Canada is looking at a world of different trade obstacles under Copenhagen that almost no other country in, the world faces. Reporter Kevin Libin writes that, the upcoming Copenhagen Treaty carries a high price for Canada under its carbon emissions policies. Worth a look from, the National Post.
How, the Baby Boomers Blew it on Healthcare
Canada is about to be hit by a wave of baby boomer needing health care. Too bad they didn't prepare by saving. Frontier's Mark Milke notes how governments should have long ago introduced medical savings accounts. That they didn't is, the biggest policy screw-up of, the last half-century.
It's Show Time!
Human "rights" commissions are long past being fixable. Barry Cooper explains why they should be shut down. It's show time for Canada's human rights commissions as a Parliamentary committee looks into whether they should be abolished.
Media Release - Getting Rid of Canada's Kangaroo Courts
New Frontier Centre report warns U.S. academics of Canada's injurious record on free speech.
Canada's "Schauprozess"—Show Trials
Canada's Human Rights Commissions are akin to "show trials" that have long existed in other, less free countries and to which Canadians once thought we would always be immune. Dr. Barry Cooper from, the University of Calgary, Cooper advises Americans to learn from Canada's poor example on free speech, and for Canadians to both beware of and ridicule, the "human rights" bodies that are now, the proper object of scorn. Canada's human rights tribunals are not judicially respectable procedures, particularly those conducted under section 13 of, the Canadian Human Rights Act , which deals with "hate speech" or, more accurately, with hurt feelings.
Gay Activists Plus Conservative Pastor: Thank Government for, the Unnatural Pairing
The wrongly-named "human rights" bodies need to be scrapped;, the real courts should deal with claims of discrimination, and not, the fake pretend bodies with their wide-ranging and too-often abused and unchecked powers. Frontier research director Mark Milke reviews Ezra Levant's book: Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in, the Name of Human Rights.
Media Release - Pulling Back, the Curtain
The municipal governments of Regina and Saskatoon report their performances far less often than do other cities cited in this report. As a rule, neither city discloses its performance as extensively as other cities do. There are exceptions as noted and where due. Regina has measured increased numbers for sporting and cultural activities resulting from its online registration option. Saskatoon measured, the increase in fines paid because of its COPE program.
Pulling Back, the Curtain
How well do Regina and Saskatoon stack up on their ability to be transparent in, the services, costs and effectiveness when compared with other Canadian cities? A new Frontier study explains where they miss, the mark but can improve. On transparency measurements, a new Frontier report looks at how well Regina and Saskatoon compare with Kelowna, Prince George and cities in England, Australia and New Zealand.
Frontier Media Appearances
Lord Monckton Debates Global Warming (Roy Green) - October 06, 2009
Lord Christopher Monckton, former advisor to Margaret Thatcher, was interviewed on, the Roy Green Show nationally on, the Corus Radio Network. (October 3, 2009) (12 mins)
Frontier Audio
Apocalypse Cancelled (Lord Christopher Monckton) - October 13, 2009
Lord Christopher Monckton, the former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, debunks The overheated hype behind global warming at Lunch on, the Frontier, Winnipeg, October 8, 2009. Audio of speech plus questions and answer session (100 minutes).
Frontier Radio Commentary
Expropriation Victory Demonstrates Need For Further Reform - October 16, 2009
Traditionally, expropriation is only allowed for public utilities, such as roads and bridges, but allowing expropriation for economic development gives governments broad powers that can be easily abused. From, the Frontier Centre's weekly radio commentary that runs in 3 prairie provinces.
If you need a thought-provoking, articulate speaker to illuminate today's important issues and explain tomorrow's trends please contact, the Frontier Centre. Centre staff and advisory board members are available to discuss a wide variety of topics important to our community.
For more information contact, the Frontier Centre for Public Policy:
Telephone: (204) 977-5050
Fax: (204) 957-1570
E-mail: newideas@fcpp.org
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The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is an independent public policy think tank whose mission is "to broaden, the debate on our future through public policy research and education and to explore positive changes within our public institutions that support economic growth and opportunity"
Hollecrest & Associates Inc -"Turnaround Consultants" http://www.ic.gc.ca/ccc/search/cp?l=eng&e=123456239975 .
Back to Eden communities
Sunridge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford
"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
| oct09 fall fun
Brant Ontario -
| |
"A Clarion Call For Jobs Newt Gingrich and Dan Varroney, 10.21.09, 01:15 PM EDT Five tax changes that would bring work to America. Small businesses, which have created 70% of new jobs in America over the last 10 years, have been particularly devastated by this historic recession. The latest jobs numbers dealt another blow to struggling small businesses: The unemployment rate increased to 9.8%, the highest level in 26 years. This number includes 15.4% of African Americans and 12.7% of Hispanics out of work. If you factor in workers who gave up looking or settled for a part-time job, the unemployment rate is an astounding 17%." Good food for thought from Forbes - Canada could also benifit from this strategy PR
Protecting the public interest
DFAIT truth-teller at risk; Advice for Integrity Commissioner; White collar crimeAnother courageous DFAIT truth-teller at risk?The Military Police Complaints Commission (MPCC) was formed after the shameful events that took place in Somalia in 1993, when Canadian soldiers taking part in a humanitarian mission beat to death a Somali teenager. A CBC reporter was given altered documents, leading to allegations of a cover-up, and an inquiry that was uncovering serious problems with the leadership of the mission was abruptly cut short by the government.
Now Canada's military, diplomats and politicians are again coming under intense scrutiny, this time regarding Canada's possible complicity in torture in Afghanistan. The MPCC launched an investigation in February 2007 but has encountered numerous roadblocks created by the government and the Justice Department. The government has not handed over a single requested document for over a year, and the Justice Department lawyer is alleged to have intimidated into silence 21 out of 22 public servants subpoenaed by the inquiry – they have refused to testify. The exception is Richard Colvin, a senior diplomat posted in Afghanistan who since May 2006 repeatedly raised serious concerns about the handover of prisoners to Afghan police. His 16-page affidavit was unsealed on October 14.
Now Colvin's testimony is likely to be heard, but his great courage in coming forward surely puts him at serious risk for reprisals. He is undoubtedly aware of the fate of another DFAIT truth-teller, Joanna Gualtieri, who exposed something much less serious: wasteful extravagance and mismanagement of accommodations for diplomats abroad. In Ms. Gualtieri's case, not only did the department succeed in getting rid of her, but when she sued her bosses for harassment, Justice Department lawyers stepped in, dreaming up more than 10,500 questions to put to her. Incredibly, her case is now in its twelfth year with no end in sight.
We will be following Richard Colvin's case and watching closely for any indications of reprisals.
Read more about Richard Colvin... and Joanna Gualtieri...
Advice to the Integrity CommissionerThis week's Hill Times contains a full-page article by David Hutton and David Kilgour, that offers guidance to the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner, Christiane Ouimet. FAIR proposes five steps that the Commissioner should take immediately to help restore the credibility and relevance of her office.
Read full text of article...
White collar crime: a problem not just for Quebec but for CanadaA Quebec whistleblower claims that 80% of govenment road contracts are controlled by the mafia, while costs are 35% higher than the rest of the country. Commenting on these allegations, Antonio Nicaso, an expert in organized crime, observes that no Canadian government has ever shown a desire to look into "this grey area where criminals, politicians and businessmen get together for different reasons... I don't think in Canada there is political will or commitment to fight organized crime," Nicaso said.
Read articles about white collar crime... and organized crime...
David Hutton
Executive Director
Federal Accountability Initiative for Reform (FAIR) promotes integrity and accountability within government by empowering employees to speak out without fear of reprisal when they encounter wrongdoing. Our aim is to support legislation and management practices that will provide effective protection for whistleblowers and hence occupational free speech in the workplace. FAIR is a registered Canadian charity.
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"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
| Monday, October 19, 2009 Equalization Bailout Looming? Reject $2 Billion A Year Demand By Premiers | You are receiving this FREE commentary from the Federal division of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) because you have received CTF news releases and commentaries in the past. An edited version of this commentry appears in toda's National Post. If you wish to unsubscribe, please use the link at the bottom of this e-mail. | Next year federal Equalization payments to the provinces are expected to decline anywhere from 10 to 15 per cent. As a result, some premiers are demanding the program get a giant bailout. The Harper government should reject these expensive demands. Specifically, some premiers are seeking a guaranteed floor on equalization payments at their current levels. Doing so would commit the federal treasury – the taxpayer – to spending a minimum of $14.8 billion each year on Equalization, regardless of how provincial economies perform. Given that payments are projected to fall between 10 and 15 per cent, an Equalization bail out would require the Harper government to top up the program between $1.5 and $2.2 billion a year. This money, unbudgeted, of course, would have to be funded through assuming more debt, taking $2 billion a year from other programs or raising taxes. None of these is a wise choice. Of course, rejecting these demands will be politically difficult for the Quebec-seat-starved Conservative government, given that over 56 per cent of all Equalization money goes to Quebec. Equalization payments are projected to decline because payments are based on a complicated formula driven in part by the provincial government revenues of strong provincial economies. So, when the economies of former powerhouses like Alberta and Ontario falter, so too do Equalization payments. The bottom line is that the federal government is already running a deficit projected to be $56 billion this year and $34 billion next year. In five years over $170 billion more will be added to the federal debt. Over the next four years, an Equalization bailout would add another $8 billion to this figure. The first step on the path to reversing this debt trend is to say 'no' to new requests for funds. Equalization isn't like most other program. Its costs, payments, are designed to fluctuate based on relative performance of the provinces. When large strong provinces do well economically, payments rise. And rise they have. Payments have grown from a total of $8.6 billion in 2003-04 to today's high of $14.8 billion – a 72 per cent increase in six years. Equally, when large strong provinces don't do well economically, payments should decline. Despite premiers knowing this fact, recipient provinces have refused to prepare for a decline in payments. As a result they are begging the federal government to bail out the program. Taxpayers should not reward this poor planning by running up more federal debt. This new demand to keep Equalization payments at these all-time high levels may either pit east against west or may cost taxpayers even more. British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan don't receive Equalization payments. Their premiers either will band together to oppose this program bailout or they will trade their acquiescence to a guaranteed floor on payments for some other expensive sop. They reasonably could argue that a federal bailout would siphon even more federal general revenues east, especially to Quebec. In essence western taxpayers would further subsidize a $7-a-day daycare program in Quebec, for example. Western premiers will want this stopped or will demand 'their fair share' in exchange. In turn, Quebec will be demanding that payments be guaranteed not to dip below their current $8.4 billion, which has grown from $4.1 billion in 2003-04. With the Harper government craving more seats in Quebec saying 'no' to this demand will be difficult. However, no one every said that leadership, or the road to economic recovery would be easy. For the sake of taxpayers, the first step is saying 'no' to an Equalization bailout. — 30 — For further information: Please contact Kevin Gaudet, Federal Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation: 1-613-234-6554 or (416) 725-0501 (cell). 'Let's Talk Taxes' is a free commentary provided every two weeks to media outlets and opinion leaders by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF). The CTF is Canada's leading non-partisan citizens' advocacy group fighting for lower taxes, less waste and accountable government. Founded in 1990, the CTF has 68,000 supporters and 7 offices across Canada. The CTF is funded by free-will, non tax-receiptable contributions. Permission is freely granted to reprint or broadcast this material with appropriate attribution to the CTF and author. Contact: Suite 1140 - 2255 B Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario, M4E 1G3 | This message was sent from CTF-Kevin Gaudet to backtoeden.ontario@gmail.com. It was sent from: Canadian Taxpayers Federation, 105 - 438 Victoria Ave E., Regina, SK S4N 0N7, Canada. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below. | Email Marketing by ![iContact - Try It Free!]() | | -- Back to Eden communities Sunridge -261 Oakhill Drive, Brantford New Beginnings -23 Richards Ridgetown backtoeden.ontario@gmail.com www.backtoeden.bravehost.com"Building elder peer communities that are cozy,caring and comfortable" -quality 24/7 care
Siegfried has sent you a link to a blog: pass it on and comment please Blog: Brant-Knights of Columbus Link: http://brant-knightsofcolumbus.blogspot.com/2009/10/insights-and-brain-jogs-challenges-how.html -- Powered by Blogger http://www.blogger.com/
"Meanwhile, the government has increased its expectations of CASs, adding dozens of standards and directives on everything from how to investigate to how often children in care meet with staff. 'The ministry is not funding us at a level to meet the standards,' Stephens said." Why not fund it with the e-health fiascoe money -discusted Pr
Sunridge – A Back to Eden lifestyleBrantford, Ontario
A touch of heaven on earth-We believe in the "4 C's of excellent care Community of peers-Cozy, Caring, Comfortable A private exclusive retirement estate community with a 20 year 24/7 care tradition The Sunridge Personal Care Community is located in beautiful Brantford, Ontario. Our personal care facility combines the convenience and care seniors need with the independence and self dignity they cherish.
Sunridge is a personal care retirement community designed to provide independent living through level 5 care. Our private or shared epc-units are available for rent on a month-to-month basis, with no leases or buy-in fees. The monthly rent includes a wide variety of amenities and services.
To assure outstanding service to all of our residents, a personalized care plan is created for each one. Because this care plan focuses on the needs and preferences of the specific individual, the resident pays only for the services that he or she needs.
Photo Gallery:
Click the photos for a better view. If you like what you see, call (519) 754-0018 to schedule a personal tour and complimentary meal.
Exterior Features: Community Features: Small, intimate, customized personal care ……. a special healing place .......with a Back to Eden philosophy and in a natural environment that is non-institutional and that offers self dignity and creative expression to its client participants. Amenities
Among the many amenities, you will find gracefully designed common areas and beautifully landscaped grounds to enjoy when friends or family visit. Our elegant dining room serves three delicious, natural home prepared meals each day.
Community Amenities: - Complimentary laundry facilities
- Private family dining room
- TV lounge
- Activity room
- Library
- Outdoor patios with seating
- Wheelchair accessible
- Pet therapy
Unit Amenities: - Spacious semi-private studio, studio, one-bedroom units
- Customize your space with microwave, refrigerator, and cabinets
- All utilities (except telephone)
- Emergency call system
- Individually controlled heating and air conditioning
- Expanded television
- Computer access
Basic Services Included in Rent: - Health services staff on duty 24-hours a day
- Licensed nurse on-duty every day
- Three home cooked meals per day
- Full activity program – gardening and private park fun
- Fitness program /gardening programs
- Enjoyable excursions and day trips
- Weekly housekeeping
Scheduled local transportation
Personal Services
In addition to our basic services, you can choose from a variety of personal services according to your individual needs and preferences. In this way, a personal care plan is created with resident, family, and staff input. Because it focuses exclusively on your needs and preferences, you only pay for services you require. Examples of personal services include:
- Vital sign and weight monitoring
- Pain control management
- Blood sugar testing and insulin administration
- Safety checks
- Assistance with transfers and mobility
- Wound care management
- Assistance with bathing, dressing, and grooming
Our kind and compassionate staff is here to meet your needs.
Comfortable – affordable prices Sunridge offers more value and independence for your budget
Plus a non institutional country estate "Back to Eden" lifestyle and setting
facility 2008
Single/ private |
Shared /semi |
Respite |
CCAC information |
from |
from |
from |
$1250-$1500 |
$1000 |
$50 |
Versa Care |
$2156-2539 |
$1824 |
$59/day-$68/day |
Telfer Place |
$2428 |
$1872 |
Riverview |
$1995 |
$1550 |
Charlotte Villa |
$1677-3111``` |
$1922 |
Amberlea |
$1910-2100``` |
$1310 |
Pen Marvin |
$1450-1650``` |
$1275 |
Tranquility Place |
$2200-2450``` |
Terrace Park |
$1550-2050``` |
$1150 |
Sheridan |
$1150-1475``` |
$1100 |
Our brochure – Sunridge Brant County , Ontario.
If you would like you to join our community of peers or have any questions.
Please contact us at mailto:backtoeden.ontario@gmail.com
Our promise to our peers
Our 24/7 Care Services