Saturday, March 31, 2007

YouTube - The Big Brother State

This is really scary . People should be more aware how their basic liberties
are being eroded. Get your rights back say no to the big brother security establishment. PR

YouTube - The Big Brother State: ""

Monday, March 26, 2007

Winning over hearts | Markets | Stocks | Canadian Business Online

David versus Golliath - lets do the same with Back to Eden living

Winning over hearts | Markets | Stocks | Canadian Business Online: "Winning over hearts
Erin Pooley
From the March 26, 2007 issue of Canadian Business magazine
In the global cardiovascular drug industry, Medicure Inc. is a David among the Goliaths. With just 90 employees and a market capitalization of less than $140 million, the Winnipeg-based drug-discovery company is a small player compared to the pharmaceutical giants that compete in the US$70-billion heart-disease space. But despite its size, Medicure is working on a drug with the capacity to reduce the risk of heart damage due to cardiovascular disease — the No. 1 killer in both Canada and the United States. Recent safety concerns regarding drug-coated stents — an alternative treatment to coronary artery bypass surgery — could also pump some new life into this biotech's sagging share price (TSX: MPH).
Currently in pivotal Phase 3 trials, Medicure's MC-1 drug is a cardio-protectant, designed to reduce the damage to the heart when arteries are blocked and when they are subsequently reopened after bypass surgery. In a previous trial involving 900 bypass patients, the drug reduced the heart attack rate by nearly 50% in the first 30 days. If Phase 3 trials are successful — results are expected in March 2008 — MC-1 could be on the market in the U.S. as early as the beginning of 2009, following shortly after in Canada. (Medicure has already received fast-track approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for MC-1.)
'I call it the second Aspirin,' says Claude Camiré, a biotechnology analyst at Toronto-based Paradigm Capital Inc. 'A lot of people use Aspirin or blood thinners [after surgery], but those only help your blood flow — they don't really protect your heart like M"

Sunday, March 25, 2007 - Editorial - Flexible PM outfoxes budget critics - Editorial - Flexible PM outfoxes budget critics: "Knowing how the punditry in Canada operates, if Harper had produced a budget more in line with his party's core values, no doubt many of the same people criticizing Harper for being too Liberal with this budget would have raged about the 'inflexible' and 'dogmatic' prime minister plunging Canada into yet another unnecessary election.
Harper is getting far too little credit for creating a budget that gives him the support he needs in the Commons to keep his minority government alive, while at the same time bolstering the party's fortunes in Ontario and Quebec so that the PM can eventually win a majority.
Frankly, that's a pretty deft bit of stick-handling from a politician who has been woefully misjudged his entire career. "

Saturday, March 24, 2007

RED HERRING | Bye-Bye Bankers?

RED HERRING | Bye-Bye Bankers?: "Bye-Bye Bankers?

Zopa nabs $12.9M as online lending gains believers.
March 19, 2007
By Ken Schachter

A new crop of online lending marketplaces is letting even the hoi polloi try their hands at being angel investors or micro-bankers.

On Monday, U.K.-based Zopa, an online loan marketplace that unites lenders and borrowers without a bank in the middle, announced a $12.9-million third round investment led by Bessemer Venture Partners to fund a U.S. launch.

Zopa, launched in March 2005, joins a group of online lending marketplaces that includes, a Port Washington, New York-based startup that matches startups and angel investors and, a San Francisco-based site that lets lenders make microfinance loans to Third World entrepreneurs.

Should direct lending online gain a foothold in the marketplace, it could put pressure on a market traditionally dominated by banks, savings and loans, and credit unions."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Health Policy - Dr. Mike Magee provides education and insight into health policy and current healthcare issues.

And it starts - a systematic policy to reduce the liberty of the overeight QJ
Health Policy - Dr. Mike Magee provides education and insight into health policy and current healthcare issues.: "Taking Action on Obesity
Download PDF Version
The obesity epidemic is very real, and we hear about it constantly. But the talk is mostly about the problem – not the solution – and in the meantime, the situation is actually getting worse. Between 2005 and 2006, adult obesity rates continued to rise in 31 states, and it’s extremely unlikely that any state will be able to meet the national goal of reducing adult obesity levels to 15 percent or less by the year 2010.1,2 As for children, obesity rates have more than doubled over the last 25 years.3"

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Budget 2007 - Sympatico / MSN Finance - Backroom budgeting

Interesting changes in the air PR
Budget 2007 - Sympatico / MSN Finance - Backroom budgeting: "Backroom budgeting
The budget process is increasingly political and increasingly irrelevant too.

By Deirdre McMurdy
February 08, 2007
For a great many years now, there’s been a Holiday Inn rule in place between Ottawa and Bay Street: No surprises.
The Finance Department had learned to respect the need of financial markets to avoid jolts, sudden changes of direction or measures that might cause scrambling. That implicit partnership in maintaining an even keel worked well and along with it, came an elaborate system of pre-budget consultations that allowed everyone with a vested interest in the outcome of a budget to come forward and make their case.
That relative transparency effectively de-politicized the budget process. And the assurance that there’d be no surprises on the day of its formal delivery, meant that currency, bond and stock markets weren’t buffeted about. Predictability engendered a degree of mutual trust between private and public sectors.
That’s no longer the case – something that anyone who watched the changes to the tax status of income trusts go down last October can attest."

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bigger bang for research buck needed

RE 96% of the Expositor Reader poll of 486 do not want to spend $300,000 on the 2-way traffic study for Dalhousie and Colborne street.

It would appear that Brantford ratepayers are tired and skeptical of yet another study to help the downtown. Maybe they are tired of paying for studies that are never used or implemented or common sense obvious. The reverse of the penny wise pound foolish thinking, it seems that they are tired paying a pound to get a penny worth of results at their expense.

We , the Brant Taxpayers Coalition agree with these readers and suggest another use of these public funds. We suggest on a constructive basis, that council establish a committee of councilors and knowledgeable citizens form the ratepayers, to determine the viability of establishing a commercial casino that has the potential of creating an additional 2000 jobs. This study would include calls for proposals from the private sector to renew the overall recreational complex in the area and which would include an upgraded civic centre , Our information indicates that a commercial casino was at one time considered but narrowly defeated under the stewardship of former mayor Friel and that a promised public plebiscite was never conducted . This approach could have more benefits, get wider community acceptance , and be more visible , then the proposed traffic study A bigger bang for the taxpayer's research buck is respectfully requested.

Sieg Holle Communications director Brant Taxpayers Coalition

Brantford, On

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Osprey Media. - Brantford Expositor

This is an excellent expose of what afflicts the public in Ontario. Let all parties make visibilty and accountablity of our public institutions a priority platform PR

Osprey Media. - Brantford Expositor: "Public routinely kept in dark, Osprey survey shows

James Wallace
Queens Park - Thursday, March 08, 2007

Osprey News Network

Secrecy, stone-walling, manipulation and ignorance within Ontario institutions is undermining fundamental public rights to hold government accountable, a four-month survey by Osprey Media newspapers has found.

In many cases, municipalities, police forces, hospitals, universities and provincial bodies supported by taxpayer dollars routinely deny, reject, delay or challenge requests for information that should be public and easily accessible.

For example, police in Cornwall refused to identify a high school that had been vandalized by two teens on the grounds the school was “like a victim” and police are not required to identify victims of crime.

Such concerns are familiar to Brian Beamish, Assistant Commissioner Access at Ontario’s Office of Information and Privacy.

Beamish said the findings of the Osprey survey come as no surprise to him and called on public institutions across the province to “embrace the spirit of openness” contained within Ontario’s Freedom of Information Act.

“There are definitely situations described (in the Osprey survey) where out expectation would be that information would be disclosed even without the need for a formal FOI request,” Beamish said.

“They seem quite clear these are situations where information should be made freely available to the public as a matter of course,” he said.

Premier Dalton McGuinty also expressed concern at the failure of some public institutions to readily release in"

Monday, March 05, 2007 - Editorial - Hey Dion: It's not the East versus West

What a concept -no more divide and conquer- how refreshing ! PR - Editorial - Hey Dion: It's not the East versus West: "Mon, March 5, 2007

Hey Dion: It's not the East versus West

No part of Canada should ever be baited by politicians for short-term, partisan gain.
It was wrong when the old Reform party used to do it to Quebec. And it's wrong now that the same old Liberal party is doing it to Alberta -- again.
What else are Canadians to think when Liberal Leader Stephane Dion takes a trip out West and blames oilsands workers for 'living too fast for the easy money' and being bad for our economy?
Honest work is bad for our economy?
Perhaps Prof. Dion should spend a few weeks getting his hands dirty in the oilfields before lecturing Canadians on how 'easy' it is.

Then there's Liberal Natural Resources critic Mark Holland, who seems to imagine himself a right little terror of a fellow.
This for lecturing Alberta about how it must reduce oilsands production, now that the Liberals have rediscovered global warming after signing the Kyoto accord in 1998 then forgetting about it for eight years, until they were tossed out of office.
If Holland, who's from Ontario, really wants to make himself useful, let him explain to Ontario auto workers how many thousands of their jobs the Liberals are prepared to forfeit as part of their new-found zeal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, after falling 35 per cent behind their own targets while in power.
Why isn't Holland, or, more important, Dion, holding daily news conferences demanding their Liberal cousin in Ontario -- Premier Dalton McGuinty -- shut down Canada's single largest greenhouse gas emitter, the Nanticoke coal-fired electricity generating station?
That, along with three other greenhouse gas-emitting, coal-fired energy plan"

Osprey Media. - Brantford Expositor

Another affront to human dignity and the concept of natural justice

Osprey Media. - Brantford Expositor: "Man can't afford to fight extradition order

By Susan Gamble
Local News - Monday, March 05, 2007 Updated @ 11:08:07 PM

Carrying no more than they could shove in a few suitcases and cram in backpacks, Mohammed Naim, his wife Ilona and their four children fled from a frightening, corrupt world in Budapest.

They came to Canada in 1997, settling in the Paris area, far from the extortion, threats and killings that marked their lives in Hungary.

The most important thing, the Naims reminded each other, was that they were safe and together.

Now that’s no longer true.

Mohammed Naim, 49, turned himself in to Brantford police Wednesday evening to face extradition to Hungary.

He’s panicked at the idea of leaving his family, but the Naims simply can’t afford to continue to pay their Toronto immigration lawyer any more money to fight the order.

Hungary has 40 days to send for Naim. Meanwhile, he languishes in the Brantford jail where, he told his family, he is mocked and spit upon by other prisoners.

How did a once-wealthy businessman come to such an ignoble position?

Naim’s wife and eldest daughter sat down with The Expositor on Saturday to explain their tale. "

Sunday, March 04, 2007 - Editorial - PM should relax, enjoy view from top - Editorial - PM should relax, enjoy view from top: "PM should relax, enjoy view from top
By Licia Corbella

Two polls in two days. Both are favourable to the governing federal Tories. Both show the numbers for the federal Liberals, under the inept leadership of the flip-flopping Stephane Dion, freefalling.
As a result, many Parliament Hill pundits and opposition politicians are predicting that Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party will 'force' an election sooner rather than later. "

Friday, March 02, 2007

"Breaking the Link Between Poverty MSN Hotmail - Message

"Breaking the Link Between Poverty
and Obesity
It's not easy being healthy and fit in America, and for those in lower income groups, staying fit is a huge challenge. Research shows that in the United States, minorities and the poor have higher rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Among women, higher obesity rates tend to be associated with both low income and lower education. (The relationship between obesity and income is a little murkier with men for no known reason.) A casual observer could be forgiven for reaching the conclusion that poverty causes obesity. But the truth is a lot more complicated. There are some good reasons why the link between poverty and obesity is so strong -- not the least of which is the fact that poverty is also generally accompanied by the low cost of high-calorie foods containing high amounts of fat and sugar.
'Obesity is a political and social problem,' says Mark Hyman, MD. 'There's a medical-industrial complex designed to keep people sick and fat,' Dr. Hyman told me. 'We're spending billions of dollars a year subsidizing soybean and corn production, some of which winds up in our food supply as high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated soybean oil.' High fructose corn syrup is a main sweetener in many foods and is found in high-caloric processed foods and sweetened beverages... hydrogenated soybean oil is a source of trans-fats. Both are among the cheapest source of calories on earth.
Indeed, research presented at the Institute of Food and"