Friday, December 06, 2024

The work remote debate for 2025

 We live in interesting times as technology has made many more work/productivity options available .

Is the work from home model in trouble? The covid benefits appear to being challenged by owners of enterprises that pay for expensive on used office space . 

The latest information is that the Washington  government office hub only has 6 % workers that occupy the expensive building infrastructure . Some claim that the utilization rate is as low as 1% .  

What is the solutions ?

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Should we be in the United Nations?

 A picture is worth a thousand words 

Lets do a due diligence 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Explore the fear hoax strategy to control you and make you comply- the Population Hoax   The UN population Hoax reviewed    or presentation

Populations growth is not a threat to mankind -It is another by the numbers UN hoax

The bonus from the Covid 19 hoax is that everyone has become less trusting of experts ,particularly those who profit from the fear they produce  ( Never forget Ferguson who was the justification for world liberty and economic shutdowns and destruction)  

Being liberated is a true form of freedom. Healthy skeptics' grow better solutions for all  and are a cure for the manipulation through fear virus that has infected the world and  is the cure 

You decide using the numbers if the control  fear  will work on you in the future . Should we allow these control for profit organizations such as the UN get away with this gas lighting ?   Take back your power through discernment and knowledge 

Stop funding the global grifters

Friday, November 01, 2024

The great Canadian Mischief trial

I remember the term" putting Justice in disrepute"  from my law school days .  Subjectivity is in the eye of the beholder  and having been following the Tamara Lich and Chris Barber trial travesty. It should offend all that this unnecessary vindicative  show and political trial is happening in our once great country 

Part 2 of the nuisance trial is concluded 

It is apparent that this form public legal warfare is unacceptable . It is unnecessary- it is expensive -and it ensures that valuable court resources are wasted . It is a call to be reformed to rebuild trust in what is a apparent failed justice system .      

Monday, October 28, 2024

Recapture your country using the law

 Are you tired of watching your basic rights of quite enjoyment being trampled on? Many including myself have had enough with the erosion of their basic God given natural rights and to be left alone from unnecessary government intrusions.   The debasement and erosion of individual freedoms is rampant and placing the well being of you your your family and community jeopardy.

t is time to regain our rights and successfully compete against the untrustworthy institutions that have been  infiltrated mini control nannies that have a record of under-performance and are expensive to maintain.,   It s time to retake our freedom and shrink the obvious damage that they have done . It is tme to kill the cancer that negatively impacts us all by using all lawful peaceful means  to do so.

  1. What is the law and how can you use it 
From " The core philosophy of Stand4THEE is to empower Canadians to take meaningful action to restore our basic fundamental and human rights. Stand4THEE aims to educate and empower Canadians on their rights, the rule of law and due process of law so that they can reclaim their personal authority and hold others accountable for their actions."

§ British Bill of Right; Dispensing Power. That the pretended Power of Suspending of Laws or the Execution of Laws by Regall Authority without Consent of Parlyament is illegall. 

§ Constitution Act 1867-1982; The Criminal Law, except the Constitution of Courts of Criminal Jurisdiction, but including the Procedure in Criminal Matters under 91.27 and 52, Primacy of Constitution of Canada 52 (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect. 

§ Implied Bill of Rights: The court found that the Accurate News and Information Act, along with the others submitted to it for evaluation, was ultra vires (beyond the powers of) the Alberta government. In the case of the Accurate News and Information Act, the court found that the Canadian constitution included an "implied bill of rights" that protected freedom of speech as being critical to a parliamentary democracy. 

§ Canadian Bill of Rights: Section 1(a) the right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property, and the right not to be deprived thereof except by due process of law. § 

Criminal Code; Section: 46 Treason (2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada, (a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;

Common Law: 
§ Authorson v. Canada (Attorney General), 2000 ON SC; breach of fiduciary duty by public official is a tort if rights under Canadian Bill of Rights are violated. § Jones v Tsige, 2012, ONCA; The Ontario Court of Appeal declared that the common law in Canada recognizes a right to personal privacy, tort in Ontario law. Meaning that one can sue for breach of privacy.
 § Roncarelli v Duplessis, 1959, SCC; ... every official, from the Prime Minister down to a constable or a collector of taxes, is under the same responsibility for every act done without legal justification as any other citizen.
 § R. v. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd.; R. v. Uranium Canada Ltd, 1983, Supreme Court of Canada. 1985, SCC; When a Crown agent acts outside of Crown purposes, and not on behalf of the state, there is no immunity of the Crown agent:When a Crown agent acts outside of Crown purposes, and not on behalf of the state, there is no immunity of the Crown agent:

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Are you tired of getting ripped off by Government products that you are forced to buy

 It is frustrating to being forced to pay more for government product and services that seem to deliver less and less for the more money spent. This is a form of peonage that must be reversed to re-establish trust and honest value in all our governance institutions   .

How do we opt-out of the corrupted institutions and their special interest agendas?   You hear about equity but that is only for the chosen ones not the common taxpayers . Lets have equity ( value) that is equal and common to all 

Equal treatment from one set of laws equally applied would be a great start

How is a fixed penalty equal to welfare recipient and a billionaire? It isn't . It is a form of peonage that should be outlawed. ( Income based penalties would be more just and equable)


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Canada health care system has problems

  17,000—you read that right—of us died on waiting lists for treatments and surgeries in 2022–23. That should have people crying out for change and for a national we-must-do-better conversation free from political pandering and scare tactics.

“We’re seeing governments leave patients for dead. It’s deplorable,” said president and report author Colin Craig. “More money won’t solve the problem. Governments have tried that for 30 years. Only meaningful health reform will reduce patient suffering.”

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Time to recapture the truth to

Challenge convenient lies used to manipulate public agendas

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

AI can be productive with objective truth models

Have No Fear
The truth can set us free and prosper as evolved discerning humans

Monday, May 13, 2024

Creative ideas wanted and needed in 2024


Is making better uses of available resources the answer?

If land is the major cost  and sustainability is a political driver look at  the water option.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Is it time to end government tax extortion schemes ?

 Are you happy owning nothing ?  Many humans are not  happy complying with government scarcity to power schemes. They much prefer self reliance and ownership of

their own resources.

Can those humans start a Canada Homestead Rescue. A CHR plan that competes with the entrenched underperforming institutions captured by the power Hydra and its self serving agendaists  

The accountability challenge is key to reverse the corruption and rot infecting the governance system 

"Political leadership has become a system of manipulation rather than a responsible transfer of authority from groups to individuals. In American government we are taught that all government flows from the people to the leadership. However, over time this concept has become corrupted by a failure to maintain this ideal. At the same time the concept of authority flowing from the populace has become a lost memory for many political leaders and government bureaucrats. Those who grant authority, to some extent, should regulate the leadership style. "

Can we get back to founding principles that is the question and the challenge?

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Control what you can control and live as well as you can

It is March in Winnipeg and the rebirth of spring is near ,  The situational economic collapses are becoming more evident as the year progresses. This is a note to reflect on my  status  as a human being in the last quarter of his earthly existence 

Food for Thought and going in reflections 

Stop rusting way into oblivion as a retired person  . Reconnect and start solving existing challenges and start making a difference again Take back the things tht you can control. Lead by example in a good natured and friendly way and with a smile